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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:51 am 

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OCC: I'm looking over the post and all I see is a bunch of people fighting. And no substance to it. I'm trying to balance things. In life, there are good and evil. Not just evil, so if I sound alittle difference from the rest of you, it's because I am and I don't like you to say how I should write cause I am not telling you how to yours post. Thank you. And stop being so sarcastic with me. I'm going to join another website with people have open minds, and not closed minded. Bye, FDI. None of these comments are directed at you or Ciradia or others who aren't a part of this game. I'm going to miss you. You were one of the few creative, open-minded people. I'm taking my characters out.

IC: Garon looked over at Isabel while she was talking to Trizzen. He cared for her very much, but this thing wasn't working. He couldn't take this school and being among others who don't understand him. His sister was different, she could fit in with others no matter how closed minded they were.

Isabel exchanged glances with him, they spoke in their home language.

Isabel:Do you like this school?


Isabel:Me neither. I'm not into fighting with surface dwellers. Trizzen, his dad and the twins are nice. I'm gonna miss them.

No one understood what they were saying expect maybe Trizzen and his father, because Isabel taught it to him.

She hugged Trizzen and gave him a small friendly peck on the cheek.

Sorry, Trizzen. I really wanted to see you perform. But Garon and I don't needed school, we and his sister were home school before coming here and have the credits we need. We just wanted to see what it was like from you surfacers point of views.

Garon walked over to them.

Later, man. He gave him his hand.

Tell you dad we said bye, he was a cool teacher. But it's time we migrated. Leviathans can only stay on land for so long. Tell the twins we say good-bye.

He held Isabel's had and she twitch her nose in classic Bewitch style and they and his sister were in Mu. We they belong, never to come back ever.

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:47 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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OOC: NVM check OOC thread

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:53 pm 

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After staying in minute for about ten days (twenty minutes in surface time), Garon became face to face with his foster mother.

Miss Carson:You're not going anywhere, young man! You, your sister, and "your girlfriend" are to report right back to the school or you're all grounded!

Stella:Issies, you should know better than to go running off like that, one day you're going to be queen and you have to start acting more mature than this!

Before the three could oppose they were zapped back to the surface world with Miss Carson.

Just for that little stun you three are to stay afterschool and help clean up the equipment from the exams.

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:11 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Anderhell looked at Isabel and with a laugh he said to Trizzen, Told you she'll come back. Which would mean you owe me five gold coins tomorrow. Anderhell walked away with a smile of confidence towards Alondor, Now when do you believe This exam will finally begin? I'm getting board waiting for nothing.

Azrivel casted a spell so he could talk to Stella in a void like place. It was more of a connection for they are still on the place they were last but the two minds’ was inside the void. Thanks Stella, I owe you one again. Oh, and Sethanya said she'll come for that invite you gave her. bye.

Vallice was the only person without someone coming in the whole school, Her father was unknown and her mother was considered dead. She could only look down, Afraid of her father showing up at any minute. Azrivel was right behind her and placing his hand on her shoulder he said, I'm sorry you have a father like that, you never deserved him and you still don't.

Vallice Replied before Azrivel was even able to say another word. She was beyond angry when Azrivel, The very hunter that kept her away from her father most of her life was here talking to her about her very father.Get away from me, I don't want your pity nor would I want your pathetic sorrow. Why should I trust you if you’re the one chasing him and hunting him down all the time. Now go away.Azrivel stood up and walked away from the girl, he understood how she was feeling at the moment and respected her wishes. Still he was wondering one thing and one thing only. Why would Frawn keep his own daughter if he killed every one else in his family? This question was the only one Azrivel was never able to answer throughout his whole life and yet still he wonders If Frawn actually cared of his daughter or not. Either way, He is still her father no matter how much Azrivel would like that to change.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:52 pm 

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Isabel looked at her boyfriend's old, she giggled at her.

Isabel:Sweetie, do you think your ward would let us go to prom?

Gar:It's not prom I'm worry about. It's that.

The coach was flirting Miss Carson, Garon hated that man. He called him "salt." For reasons 1# he's part sea serpent and 2# before dying his hair jet black, hardly anyone could tell him and Aron apart, they would get their names mixed up. So, almost everyone, especially the coach called him "salt." And Aron was known as "pepper."

Ex. Come on, salt. Pick up the pace, salt. Salt, why can't you be more like pepper(Aron)? Salt this, salt that. Salt! Salt! Saaaalt!

If they start dating it would be the end of him. And, oh how he dreaded that name! Salt. Like the stuff you put on french fries.

Isabel looked at her boyfriend.

It'll be over soon, honey. Then you won't have to worry about.

If someone calls me "Salt" one more time I think I'm going to snap. He sighed.

The coach came over and gave him a slap on the back.

You're in Mr.Wing's class? And passing? said the coach.
Wow, I didn't know you had it in ya, Salt. Princess, get ready to swim laps and do some jogging for you exam. he said turning to Isabel. Then he went to the boy's mother and started hitting on him.

Isabel gave him a kiss on the cheek.

You are fine, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. You can do this, I believe in you, stud.

Garon sighed.

I just want this nightmare exam to get over with!

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:38 pm 

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OCC: Sorry for double posting, but I had to write this down before I lost it.

Isabel was upset with Stella, spoke in the home lanuage

Isabel:Geez, I wonder what it would be if I had an elder brother!?

Garon: nothing.

Isabel:You okay, honey?

Garon:I can't believe they sent us back! Isabel, how are we going to learn about our race here!? That crap dragonlogoy class only talks about my ice dragon side, what the other? What about the leviathan side!? June and I are the only leviathan hybrids at this school! I don't even know what element I am!? Do you!?

Isabe:l We're live in water, but breath so.....oh, I see you're point. It's just combat exam, no big deal.

Garon:I know, brown sugar. It's just... this school is so... divided.

Garon had was in no mood to dump his problems on his Issie, so he took out his copy of Moby Dick, and began to read it.

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:01 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Azrivel noticed the two and over heard them, Your race should be able to control both water and fire, well maybe not you Garon, you would more than likely be water and frost, but that is only because your frost dragon side dominates more than your leviathan side, making it harder for you to use fire elements. However you are weaker on your elements than pure fire, water, and frost dragons only because they put all their power into one singular element. But here is where it get's interesting... you both could mix your elements for a just as effective attacks. Dragonology is actually only to talk about one kind of dragon at a time in an order that the teacher's want. Yes it's very frustrating to learn about one singular dragon at a time yet imagine how confusing it would be if the teacher's thought everyone all dragons at the same time. He could see the shock in their eyes. Azrivel, a half elf actually knows a bit about dragons more than some of the teachers? but their shock became even greater on the next thing Azrivel said,oh and I asked Stella to bring you both back here as a favor. you both have friends here, don't you think it is unfair to leave your friends here and never see them again just because you don't feel conferrable here?

Vallice was sta...Obliterating an Azrivel voodoo doll that Anderhell gave her years ago.

G :swear: D :swear: , when will this bell finally ring? it's like the exam's are taunting you. What do you think Trizzen? said Anderhell closing his eyes and facing up trying his best to sleep.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:41 pm 

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Miss Carson walked over to them.

I think I can take it from here, Sir.

She walked them over to a corner.

Garon, I know you're missing you parents, but baby you should run away from you problem. And Issie, I know you're upset, being second in line is a big job, but I believe you can do it.

Garon looked at his foster mother's eyes, the love she shined in them.

Nobody here understands our race, they're nearly all surface dwellers. He said.

Why do I have to go to surface school? This place is so anti-sea creature. Isabel asked.

Miss Carson sighed.

Alrigth, Bonnie and Cyle. Good grief, you are almost as stubborn as your brother.

Garon looked Miss Carson.

What are you talking about, I don't have a brother. I only have a sister. You know that mom.

Miss Carson face brigthen.

Yeah,that's what I meant to say, sister, a female sibling.

Isabel caught the old bird slipping up.

No, you said "brother" like male sibling.

Miss Carson knew they got her, they caugth her in a lie.

No, I said "sister."

You said "sister." both Garon and Isabel said.

Don't you talk back to me! You know that shortens your life! She said painced.

She had to come up with an excuse to change the subject.

I think June is calling is me!

Mom, I didn't hear June...

Yes she did! Okay, I'll be right, sweetpea! Got go, mama loves you!

Miss Carson race over to find her eldest child, leaving her Garon and Isabel alone.

Dude, did you hear what she just?

I know, maybe Aron and I are twin brothers after all or maybe it's an older.

From the shock of it he had to sit down, nearly fainting.

Isabel comfront him, but he tried to pretend he was alright.

I'm alright, brown sugar. Maybe if I found my other sibling, we could go on some cheesy game show. He joked nervously.

Or be like the Jackson five if you include Aaron.

He's face turned reddish.

Isabel loves her wild thing, but it seems he's alitttle "Shaken" from this news.

They tried comfronting him in the home lanuage.

Isabel:It's going to be alright, pumpkin. You need to relax. If you ask me this school isn't leviathan-friendly, but it's okay. The twins are cool and Trizzen is cool. We'll be alright.

Garon:I guess, they're cool. But....

He's voice tailed off.

Garon:My mom lied to me, my sister is perfect and so is my cousin, we back in Nightmarevile high, and I think I'm going to get a "B" in course! Brown sugar, I'm starting to...

He paused for a moment.

Isabel gave him a kiss on cheek and hoped no one saw.

I know, baby. You just sit here and think. I'll be over there if you need me.

She walked over to talked to the others.

I hope Garon snaps out of this in time for your dad's exam,

She said to Trizzen.

I've never seen him like this before. On a scale of one to ten how tough do you think it will be?

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:15 pm 
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Joradan was in the class sitting silenting and then she went and started talking to Garon.

"hi.......Are you waiting for exams?" She smiled pleasantly

Flying beyond the skies

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 Post subject: Re: School Daze
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:55 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Trizzen noticed the new student and felt he shoul say hello so he went over to her and said "Greetings i hope you are enjoying the school here."

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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