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 Post subject: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:15 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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This is by invitation only. If you wish to take part, post your character sheet, and I'll check it over and approve it. There will be a few rules with this rp, and I assure you, it is not for beginners or for the lazy.

1.) There will be NO posts less than 7 sentences long. As a teacher, I view it as the number of completion. 7 is a good, solid paragraph.
2.) NO and I mean absolutely NO GOD MODDING. If I catch so much as a whiff of a god character, I will kick you out so fast it will make your head spin.
3.) Pay attention to the plot, and post accordingly. I know this sounds pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised, lol. I have a specific idea in mind, and I'd like to see us all realize it^^
4.) Exanderous is a Mod of sorts for the times, if there are any, when I can't be here.
5.) Have fun!

There isn't much left of the Archai people. Nothing but the grim silence of the lands that they once occupied on the now deserted continent of Tierisca. Over time, even their cities have all-but vanished into the landscape as the forest and grasslands have moved to reclaim every last stone. Endless jungles, cannibalistic weeds, labyrinthene pathways, and a slurry of vicious creatures have turned their once-beautiful, shining homes into a distant memory. But one edifice still stands, untouched by the elements, and if you can find it, all the wild beasts and stinging thorns in the world won't mean a thing.

It is known as the Lost Righteous, an homage to the priests that built it, and it is the last reminder of the power and talent that they once possessed. No one knows what is really stored inside. Most agree that is it is the last remnant of their power, though rumors abound as to what it truly is. Some say it is the lost artifact of their rulers, giving the possessor sway over the minds of men. Others point to their advanced technology, saying that it is the answer to the constant human problem of energy- that it is a resource, waiting to be exploited. Still others contend that it is a conduit, a means of extracting and using the divine power by which the Archai lived their own lives.

Whatever the case, many have sought it out, and all have thus far failed. The path is easily lost and frought with a mutlitude of the creatures that were, for a long time, kept at bay by the Archai. With no one to keep them in check, however, they have become rampant and threaten any kind of travel throughout the continent.

Recently, however, word has reached one of the last of this lost race, and he has determined to take it upon himself to find the Lost Righteous. Any who opt to join him are warned, this is not a joy-ride. To say it will be dangerous is a dire understatement- you take your life into your own hands. The prize, however, should you make it there with him, is a piece of the intense power, and a hefty price- paid by said adventurer upon reaching and procuring the remains of the lost power.

Name: Malachi Nae-Anumin
Age: unknown, but appears to be no more than his mid twenties
Race: Archai/human
Appearance: White hair, bright indigo-colored eyes, a smallish fram- slim, lithe build- and a single tattoo on the palm of his hand in a distinct, intricate design. At times, he may wear multiple rings, but two will always be on his person: A signet ring showing the Order of the Lion's Heart, and a second displaying a single white rose across the gemstone. Has one ear pierced, look for something silver there. Clothing is pretty basic- heavy leather or jean pants, a tan or white tunic, heavy leather boots, and a vest and jacket.
Weapons: Carries only a single sword, the Celestial Shard, but is proficient in many other weapons and magicks.
Role in the group: Leader. As the one with the map, the ability to translate Archai language, and the memories of the planet, he is acting leader.

Ok, any further info required, just ask here or PM me.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:59 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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K just a few questions before i make a character
1 You mentioned Archai magic What kind of magic is acceptable in your world?
2 What other races beside Archai are there?
3 I would like to know more about the world Does the world have more science than magic or the other way around or does it seem to have a balance between the two?
Just trying to make an informed decision on what my character can be and do and i have no problem with the stipulations you have posted not in the slightest and look forward to the RP

Please be specific when answering my questions i would appreciate the details

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:05 pm 
Master Old Dragon

Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:42 pm
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Glad to provide it!
1 You mentioned Archai magic What kind of magic is acceptable in your world?
A: Well... I'm thinking more along the lines of elemental magic. Nothing totally unbeatable though, f you please. I'm not huge on the idea of all-powerful wizards, magic-users, etc.
2 What other races beside Archai are there?
A: Humans, elves, and... well, if have another one in mind, run it by me- that includes races of your own! I am all for creatitivyt here. Just please, no dragons- their sheer power kinda takes the fun out of things in this case.
3 I would like to know more about the world. Does the world have more science than magic or the other way around or does it seem to have a balance between the two?
A: The primary magic users on the continent were the Archai, and even their power was more... paladin-ish (having a divine basis). Without them, the only magic users are probably going to be our own characters and maybe teh one or two beings that might have learned from old Archai texts. Any otehr magic is more elemental in origin- think druidistic magic, for example. So naturally, there is little magic and more realistic weaponry. I'd even allow gunner characters in this.

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 Post subject: My Character:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:37 pm 
Legend of Old

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Name: He is known as Law.

Age: unknown, but appears to be in his early thirties or late twenties.

Race: Human

Appearance: (Think Wild West John Wayne). Law stands a 6'2 burly man with a rough and gruff appearance. His Jet Black hair looks suave, but with his lifestyle a bath is a luxury he can only afford a few times a week. When he is not wearing a red bandanna to cover the lower half of his face, one can see he has a red goatee and a strong chin. His eyes are a vibrant green, and when the sun hits the iris, they become his most prominent feature. The tone shape of his body gives the appearance that he his agile and fast, but his real speed is in his hands and the luck of the draw. His wears a red cloth undershirt with his favorite pare of faded acid washed jeans. He prefers to wear the bandanna over his face as he thinks it attracts the ladies.

Law is never caught without his old fashioned Duster trench coat (Cowboy wild west frontier) that resembles the color of the desert sand. The poor coat has seen better days as it is tattered and ripped at the bottom in addition to being filled with bullet holes. He wears his father's cowboy hat that has been passed through his family for ages. The less than fashionable accessory resembles a tan-ish mud color. In the center of the hat rests a small crest that brandishes Law's family insignia (which ironically enough resembles the Sheriff's Star.) He wears a belt that was made from a snake he personally skinned, and he keeps the fangs of the snake on a necklace he wears habitually. It is apparent that the necklace is dear to him. His cowboy boots are tool buckle brown leather with golden spurs.

Weapons: Twin SAA (Single Action Army) .45 Colt revolvers with the alias of Burning Law and Cleansing Thunder. Burning Law has a rend tinge of color to it while Cleansing Thunder has a reflective blue finish. They are holstered by his hips, and they never leave his side. They are said to be enchanted with fire and lightning, but the locals just chalk it up to rumors due to Law's skill and reputation. Law often talks to his weapons as if they were sentient before a fight. Some swear that they are. He also has a large, black SOG combat knife strapped to his back.

Bio and Role in the group: Law comes from a long family of outlaws and hunters who have constantly searched for the Lost Righteous since his ancestor's pilgrimage to the planet Tierisca almost 200 years ago. Law is an incredible gun slinger who has yet to lose a duel with guns (though this much is obvious because if he were to lose a duel he wouldn't be alive at present day.) People consider him rough around the edges, but he gave up his wild bandit and train robbing days to become a full time hunter for the Lost Righteous while collecting bounties on the side (Though he has not given up the rampant alcohol consumption aspect. Whiskey is his best friend). Once he accepts a job, he is relentless and never gives up until the job is done. This often involves hunting a "problem" down and dealing with it the best way he knows how: with guns.

He is a real kick with the ladies though he seems cold and distant at a glance due to his rugged, outlaw appearance. His voice has bass to it, and being the ladies man himself, he has no problem cutting up and enchanting a woman. It is safe to say he is a tad bit infatuated with the carnal body of a woman and will do anything to make a girl smile. (The ladies seem fond of him as well.)

With his friends, he is a bit of a cut up who likes to tease and joke around. Armed with a sarcastic wit, he has a sharper tongue than any sword, but people enjoy having him around because of it. He can be a tad frighting sometimes, and his old friends reveal sometimes they don't know whether to hug him or stay away of fear of being shot.

To his enemies or targets: He is ruthless and a coldblooded killer. If you are marked, there is no point in pleading, bribing, or begging for your life. He is on the job, and he is all business. This often causes controversy due to the nature of Law's "business" contracts. Often times politicians use him to get rid of a political opponent or he finds himself employed by someone who wants a rival or competitor to have an "accident." Only one person has double crossed Law in his finances, and he was strung by his heels across the town hall building with his throat cut. His body dangled for hours for fear that if someone cut him down, he would come back and make another example.

His psyche profile matches Jesse James, but he is not as erratic in his behavior. If you earn his friendship, you have it for life unless you betray him (it is worth noting that it is extremely hard to earn his friendship.) The authoritative figures are always looking for him, but they never catch him.

His role for the group utilizes his survival skills. Bandits and other parties are also looking for the Lost Righteous, and they do not mind shooting anyone that gets in their way. Law can deter their presence if not by reputation alone, then with Burning Law and Cleansing Thunder. Not only that, he knows the land. He has lived on the frontier his whole life and his forefathers have explored it for a couple of centuries. He also has made ties with the indigenous people of Tierisca who call him Lone Wolf, and they will surely offer assistance if asked.

Message me if you want to know more. I think this is pretty extensive.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:59 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Exanderous: Exactly what I was looking for! Well done! A character that really seems more human and less fantasy/magicky.

You know what? Let's make it a rule- extreme limits on magic, I want characters as real as possible. There can be magic, but it must have limits. This is going to be a rugged kind of rp, so choose your characters well.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:02 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Could I join as Azrivel, But without most his magic abilities? I am going to stick with the simple spells on this one nothing too fancy.persides he is mor fun to play when he fights with his sword XD.

Yes Adrithie (the titan) will be with Azrivel but I think Adrithie doesn’t take much sentences so it wouldn't matter.

Yes I am interested in this RP.

If I could join the RP then here is Azrivel's stats. If not I will understand :) ( I don't believe you need Adrithie's stats seeing he only talks)

NAME: Azrivel

AGE: 120

RACE: Half Elf

APPEARANCE: magic stainless steel left arm that is highly decorated with a dragon. Blond hair with three different type of eye modes (half black and Wight, full black, full Wight) wearing his gold colored light armor. he also carries with him his bag (to carry items that interest him). a top that will absorb magics that are casted on it (Azrivel needs this item)

WEAPONS: his long blade, his Titan's arm, minor Elemental magics

BAD THINGS ABOUT HIM: Azrivel is OVERLY protective over his things and when he answers a question it is either with a riddle or a saying. His Greed is his biggest weakness for he could not resist the feeling for (SHINY) items like gold. For this he could fall into traps really easily. His arm will sometimes give Azrivel unneeded manna and in doing so it explodes (reason why Azrivel needs the top) Azrivel is not a killer so he will only knock ppl out than kill them. Azrivel douse not really know much about healing and douse more harm than good when even trying. Azrivel hates it when ppl don't listen to him when he asks nicely to do something with his items.

ROLE TO THE GROUP: Strangely Azrivel is not afraid of anything so he would gladly do insane things. he was always hunted so he could hide others and hide himself. He lives in a forest alone so his survival instincts are great. When his eyes are pure black he could see the next move of his foes (white eyes mean blind, half means normal sight) So he could fight better than the normal half elf, More Azrivel lose in a fight the more his titan arm takes over Azrivel’s body yet Azrivel loses his own sanity and himself until he finds a way to resist it. Azrivel knows his expensive artifacts and even more about his magic weapons and curses. AZRIVEL IS A HORRID COOK FOR HUMANS AND OTHER RACES! Though a good cook for dragons. He knows how to cure poisons of all types.

You could decide what Azrivel should be in his role to the group :)

I also thought you should know Azrivel’s weaknesses and stuff so you could see he isn't all that strong.

Plz tell me what you think :)

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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Last edited by Drakel on Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:12 pm 
Matrix Operator
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Location: Aboard Mark XIV No. 62 hovership "Mjolnir"
Name: Dane
Age: 32
Race: Human
Appearance: Thick black glasses, taped together on one side; short dark hair; brown eyes; a beat-up gray jacket over jeans and a T-shirt.
Weapons (if they could be called that): Machete, pocket knife, and a switchblade that he bought in a village and still doesn't know how to open.
Role in the group/bio: A field archaeologist and researcher, Dane is an experienced traveler and camper, in addition to speaking several languages. He discovered an important clue as to the location of the Lost Righteous, and wants to find it for archaeological reasons, as he places no weight behind the idea that Lost Righteous is a source of any power or magic.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:01 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Azrivel is approved, given that he does have such limitations, just be sure that he remains that way. Like I said NO GOD MODDING. So, none of this "I can't be killed" BS.

And Dane is also approved. I like the idea of a cynic in the group, lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:23 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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well I said it would be a bad idea for him to be killed. he IS killable though XD and if there is any probs with me just tell me and I will personally leave ( I am not the type that wants to ruin the fun for others)(AKA just ask me to leave and I will leave in a mannerly fashion)

Those are actually his REAL flaws XD. That is how I created him, Except for the fact that he has allot more magic on him cause he is truly made to fight other powerful chars XD.( but he douse not have that much magic so he would be like a skilled fighter instead of a skilled fighting mage)

Other than that, THANK YOU:D ! I really like playing Azrivel.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:49 am 
Legend of Old

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Does... it's does. Not douse.


What is the Cap on this Ciarda? How many people are you looking for to join?

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:54 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Hm... Probably one more and then we can start^__^

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:09 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Name: Binadorm
Race: I'll get a little creative here since you okay-ed it
He is a mixture of a panther and Archai this race is called Treinis is not overly massive yet is bigger than most Archai they are an offshoot of the Archai empire and were created by them to help do menial labor this is not to say that they were slaves they were rather respected by the Archai and never treated as slaves, after the Archai were wiped out they began living in the forests of Tierisca they discovered that they were more in tune with the more natural magics rather than the holy magic of Archai but using magic tires them to exhaustion if used more than 10 times a day and they need a full day to recover if they exceed that limit and if they continue even when exhausted there have been cases where their heart collapses

Age: Around 27

Appearance: 6'3" Humanoid with black fur, Pantherlike head, forepaws that are formed like a humans hands but still retain their claws, Eyes are bright green, can hunch over on all fours and run like a panther would yet can also walk on two legs, very athletically built lithe but not hulking, wears clothing that matches his fur and goes barefoot

Weapons: His claws can be very formidable weapons but carries around a sword and dirk for weapons as well much stronger than normal humans or Archai although not as good when it comes to manipulating objects such as guns or other intricate devices

Magic: Has power over the elements, although it tires him to use it and it ascribes to the limit of 10 per day without it becoming dangerous magic, he can use his magic to manipulate plant life and excels at this this type of magic is most likely a bit of the Archai's holy magic but a bit more natural in nature than divine

also has magic of the four elements wind fire water earth but these require more energy to conduct and thus count as 2 instead of 1

Personality:Quiet and very noble hearted heard of this expedition and felt that he needed to go and help out the last of the Archai as they are kin and always treated the Treinis well (completely unlike how other races treated slaves)

Role: He is a ranger who knows the forests and thus acts as scout and food gatherer/hunter

PS i created this race to like the Archai as much as possible,
because you said that they were a very holy race i decided that if they created a race to help them they would not treat them as slaves but as friends and family

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

Last edited by Forgotten Dragon's Ire on Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:17 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Indeed, that they would and I appreciate your kind of homage there =) Ok, well give me a little time, and we'll get started!

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:21 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Sweet i saw nobody had any special race and since you gave permission to create one i decided that there should be at least one character who wasn't Archai human or elf and i didn't want to sully the Archai's reputation but they seemed the most advanced to create a halfbreed

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:27 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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HALF-ELF IRE! :wink: :lol: Azrivel is half-elf lol.( but seeing he was raised by dragons he is also considered to be part dragon even though he is only a half-elf.lol

you can tell I take overly pride on this char.

Glad to hear that you are almost about to start :)

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:31 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Sorry Drakes i forgot Azrivel was half-elf i thought he was full elf :lol: but i only meant as in a unique race indigenous to this world

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:34 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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:cry: :cry: :cry: Azrivel's unique. :cry: :cry: :cry:

can't wait to play on your RP Ciarda

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:36 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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lol i only meant that Binadorm was created specifically for this world that is what indigenous mean

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:44 am 
Legend of Old

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Your grammar makes me want to blow my brains out all over this keyboard...
This RP should be interesting.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:45 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Me or IRE?


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:48 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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We need a medic stat he needs to get to a hospital before his brains spill out.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:50 am 
Legend of Old

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DM, and no need for a medic. CLS for the Army taught me not to shoot myself in the face.

I am just saying the grammar put the thought into my head. haha

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:54 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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:( I try, and I at least use the word doc to help my spelling. :( no one is perfect for we all are flawed. (no matter how hard we try)

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:54 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Ciarda wrote:
There isn't much left of the Archai people. Nothing but the grim silence of the lands that they once occupied on the now deserted continent of Tierisca.

With no one to keep them in check, however, they have become rampant and threaten any kind of travel throughout the continent.

Name: Malachi Nae-Anumin
Role in the group: Leader. As the one with the map, the ability to translate Archai language, and the memories of the planet, he is acting leader.

I'm interested in joining (if it's not too late), but before I do, I need a little clarification. In your description, you refer to Tierisca as a continent, but then you state that Malachi is the only one with "memories of the planet". Is Tierisca a planet or simply a continent? Also, if it's just a continent, on what world is it located?

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:36 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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happy to oblige! The Lost Righteous is on a specific CONTINENT, my friend, that being Tierisca. The planet itself is Deloor. Malachi has more memories of the continent than anything else, but he also remembers the planet, having done his share of traveling when he was young- its a pretty small planet.

Hope that helps!

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