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 Post subject: Magus's Plague: The Fallen Kingdom of Draigar
PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:08 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
This is a good old-fashioned dark-ages-like Role-Player. Basically it goes like this:

Once neigh a century ago, a magician of considerable power came to the capital city of Warde. He certainly didn't show his power, nor his status. His eyes were the green hue of a southerner, his hair the color of night, complete with a tinge of snow at the ends. His face was sternly set, with a pepper-and-salt grazing of a beard, not the flowing white nobility you would expect. He carried not a staff, nor a wand, but a fire-shooter(early gun, like the Chinese had), from the far off people of the north. He was clothed as a woodsman, wearing hide and animal skin, as he wandered in the grand courtyard that fateful day. It was a day of great celebration, the birth of the King's first son, heir to the throne. It was in this place, at this time that an assassin from a foreign empire had come to slay the King and his newborn charge in one swift decisive stroke. The magician had come, against his better judgment, to save him, and the child. As the assassin drew close he rose his empty hand. The gun appeared within it, and with a crack of thunder shot the assassin where he stood, posed with knife in hand, until that moment, just another foreign minister come to congratulate the King. He collapsed, and the knife clattered across the floor in the deathly silence. Instantly life snapped back into the world and knights charged toward the magician, knocking the gun from his hand, and himself to the ground. The King spoke to him for all to hear:

"You have saved my life, on the day of my blinding joy. How did you know he was an assassin sent to kill me?" The king had not recognized the man's status as a seer and magic weaver.

"My liege, your would-be killer had not a present to give you, nor a does he wear his flag of state on his person. It also helps that I myself am a magician, and luckily saw your death before it was, or rather wasn't to happen." He smiled at the last, but only slightly. His voice betrayed no laughter however, just a warm feeling against the cold atmosphere. All was silent as the King gave his response. He laughed, a loud warm and tension breaking laugh, that lasted until tears wetted the edges of his eyes. At length he wiped them and ordered the guards to release his savior.

"You have done a great deed. Let it be known that you..."

"Magus, sire."

"Indeed, I am in your debt Magus, and to repay you I shall give you whatever you ask that is within my power." The magician paused thoughtfully.

"My King, I ask nothing more from your generous offer but to be your council, and your aid in matters of magic."

"Then consider yourself in my direct service, and the target of my utmost thanks." That of course was only the beginning, the first threads of the woeful tale of Draigar, and it's debt to Magus. The King kept his promise and the sage Magus was given a seat in the King's council, as well as duties of his desire. It was he that took on the task of nullifying the undead rising across the country, and solved it with a solution that caused the dead to eat themselves, made much tastier to compared to their living counterparts. This success prompted him to fix the problem of mermaids luring ships to crash in reefs and rocks, which he countered with large concoctions of potion that when dumped in the ocean caused deformities on their scaly skin, making them unattractive to sailors and fishermen dumb enough to fall for their tricks. This further victory boosted his confidence to a new and much more fatal level. He maddingly sought to solve all the problems of dangerous mountain passes, woods and wilds. He made the plague, originally shot by gun, but later transferred by air, water, and blood. Sadly the disease was much too powerful to kill just primitive creatures and dragons, it killed humans and demi-humans as well. So he made a counter plague, though transferred only by blood and water. This vaccine was, when poured into the cities' water would protect them from the onslaught. He had others pour it into whatever pond, well, and dam as well for good measure. Finally he released his curse, and it worked, for a while... Eventually it was discovered that certain people were not protected by the vaccine, and it eventually killed both the king and his family. He himself could not take the position, because guilt still shone through his madness. So a new king was found and Magus was charged with murders of hundreds, if not thousands, but before his execution was found gone from his prison cell, with only a note in blood to tell where he had fled: "Magus is a killer, so he naturally killed. But what is a broken man who saved before he killed?" It is thought that he was killed by his many victims, through ghostly or Godly intervention. Still others think that it was the creatures, the dragons, mermen, dead, and many other creatures that caught up with him. And still others believe he is still out there, living off of his accomplishments, developing a purer disease, one that would kill all and only who oppose him.

It is now a hundred years from the world that I have just described, the Kingdom of Draigar no longer exists, as the King and all possible blood heirs died, the land fell to chaos. After a long hard battle eventually everyone but a few dedicated families left their desolate home in search of a new one. And not long after that the people still living died out or moved out as well. The city of Warde now lies in ruins, along with most of the kingdom of old. Most of the refugees moved to the north or south, leaving the great mountain pass, framed by the Gold Sea, but my expedition, spurred on by the Awakening of Knowledge, are to return and retrieve lost relics from our past, including Magus's possessions, and as I secretly and darkly suspect, his fabled weapon.


Okay, here's my character:

Name: Sagree (Sage-re)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Description: Emerald hair and eyes the color of night she brims with curiosity and intelligence. She stands at a height of 5' 9'' with her disguise. She generally wears a her hair cut short, with general armor suited for men. Women aren't allowed to do much generally, after all this is just coming out of the middle ages. So she dresses as a guy, complete with wooden height-enhancing shoes. She also slightly disguises her voice, and acts generally like a scholar.
History: Even though she wasn't allowed to read as a child, she taught herself, and forged many a document to start her expeditionary force. It wasn't difficult, the Emperor already wished to look into the matter of the great magician Magus, it was simply up to pulling the right strings.
Weapons: She wears two iron and silver gauntlets.

Make your own character sheet, though I expect some of it to be at least a paragraph. All races are allowed, given that they are not too powerful, and as for everything else: Try to be a little out of the ordinary.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:16 pm 
The Broken One
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Location: my own little world, eatin' all yer cuppy cakes
Name: Rashazariusmarcidius Allishiminito Barricunitaltheaou
Age: 19
Species: Advanian Necromancer Wolf-Mage (a.k.a, sorcerer werewolf)
Height: 6' 0"
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue

Clothing: White tunic, jacket, and pants with black boots and gloves.
Other apparel: a blue shell necklace and one silver stud in his left ear. Has a tattoo of a blue hawk on his chest.

Personality: Basic Wolf-Mage attitude; stubborn, refuses to acknowledge authority, and generally rubs everyone the wrong way. Other than that, he's a fun-loving guy who tries his hardest to get anyone with a frown to "turn it upside-down", so to speak. Strictly against alcohol and tobacco. Always the first to admit it, he is a lady's man and will do anything impressive or stupid to get their attention and appear charming.

Weapons: Fencing dirk, typical for a Wolf-Mage. Specializes in manipulational magic. Holds about five daggers about his person. Has limited control of the dead. (ex: can use them as spies and animate up to 2 corpses)

History: He grew up in the orphanage of the Den. (The underground home of the Order) He wanted to be a mage like those around him and so he jumped at the chance as soon as it was offered with he was 13. He immidietly started tutelage as a Necromancer. Unfortunatly, he cannot control the ability.

Additional Quirks: He randomly hears voices and sees the gruesome visions of the dead that are walking about. His greatest desire is to return to Advania to find his real parents. He has no idea where his tatto came from. His name means, "The one who flies and soars with the great blue eagle in a sky where no others dare go." (well, something to that effect) He wears the black gloves to hide the many scars across his forearms.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

Last edited by Makla on Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:33 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
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Name: Vaknur
Age: 25
Race: Silver Half Dragon
Build: Quite strong, but still athletically agile.
Height: 6'3'' (Very tall, even among those he was raised by)
Wingspan: 16 feet.
Appearance: He has a muzzle, more rounded than dragon for he has human blood, but still well prnounced. His silvery scales are beautiful, and shine in the light. He has a 4 foot long tail, giving him the length of from snout to tail, 10'3''. His legs are like a dragon's as they are digigrade, he walks on his toes, and on each foot there are 3 toes, muscular since they have to keep him balanced, and indeed he is well balanced. Each fingers, and toe has a claw. His eyes, are sky blue, with slitted pupils. There is a long scar on his face, that starts at just above his left eye, and goes all the way down to under his chin from a sword wound. His wings are like a bat's except the extremities are scaled, and has leathery webbing, he is capable of flight.
Attire: He wears a leather long sleeved tunic, with leather bracers on his outer forearms. He then wears tanned hide leather for his pants, though they're more like shorts, for pants limits his movement. The shorts go just below his knees. On his feet he wears wrapped leather, to keep the warm. He also has a cloak, which is short enough to not touch the ground, but wide enough to be able to shield him from the cold, made of wool, he usually keeps in in the middle of his back so not to get in the way of his wings.He has a leather belt, and strapped to his back diagonally, is a leather sheathe for a 32 inch long sword. About at his lower back sits a quiver full of crossbow quarrels.
Armor: He wears a steel breastplate, and steel pauldrons. He has on his left arm, a wooden round shield, which can be strapped to his back. On his right hand is a red stitched gauntlet, that can absorb spells laucnhed at him, and is able to 1. save the spell for later date or 2. shoot it at whoever he wants to shoot it at.
Weapon: He has a small crossbow, which he keeps strapped to his side most of the time, fitted with something to make the bolt not fall out if he aims downward. The thing on him that his worth anything really, is his sword, a adamantine, longsword, with a gem-studded crosspeice, hilt bound with leather, and it is very sharp. It seems the more it's used, the sharper it gets, combined with a half dragon's strength steel armor isn't much to worry about for it. The name of his sword is, Hurkaline or Dragon Claw. http://www.mwart.com/images/pl/Fantasy_ ... 0_2156.jpg
Other: He can breathe a weaker version of his heritage's frost breath, but if a man is strong enough his scales can be cut through. Other than perhaps his sword, the only magic about him is his breath weapon, which he can only use twice a day.
Bio: Raised with barbarians to the north. Raised as a raider, though he is good aligned, just hard to get passed his raiding ways. He was adopted by humans, and his sword was given to him by his adopted father, the sword had been in the family for many many generations, and it had been given to the most able bodied heir, even though the heir wasn't really part of the family. Vaknur has earned the right to be part of his adopted family, having fought off orcs, goblins, gnolls, and the occassional giant or yeti, but he has never done these things by himself. After he turned twenty, he left for wide pastures, and greater adventure.

Last edited by Heavyman on Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:39 pm 
Cyberspace Addict
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Location: In The Sink? Drowning? In Beer? Of Course...
Name Thrace Goldback
Age: 24
Race: Human
Height: 5`11``
Build: Slight, leans towards running away and acrobatics rather than fighting, not weak per se but not a muscle man either.
Attire/weaponry: Brown hide trousers a blue leather belt with a very beaten up copper buckle. Barefoot but has strips of cloth wrapped round his ankle and heel of his left foot to hide horrific scars that disfigured his ankle to twisted lump of meat and bone (see bio). Red cloth sleeveless shirt that reaches almost to his knees. His left ear is pierced with the tooth of a very large dog (again see bio). He carries a slingshot, two daggers and a hand-and-a-half sword which he wears in a scabbard at his side
Appearance/Abilities:Hair reaches his shoulders. Skin is slightly tanned His people have a strange ritual in that when their children are young (1-2 yrs) they tattoo their arms, thighs and backs with strange symbols and runes etc. Most of these serve no purpose but decoration but a few grant abilities. The ones that are recorded as having power are:

On his right thigh a certain rune grants his feet great grip to almost anything, this allows him to run up and along walls though not indefinatley as gravity has an effect. He quickly becomes tired from the strain of holding himself sideways too.

On his left shoulder a line stretches down to his elbow and the twists and spirals on this distort with age as skin stretches and grows, granting different powers depending on age. At his current state it allows him to throw small balls of fire or ice and generate electric shocks with his hands. The fire and electric shocks can cause burns to hands when he uses these abilities and they drain his stamina quite quickly (but not immediatly).

A large rune on his back allows him once a day to send out a telepathic shockwave, almost like echolocation that allows him read the uppermost thoughts of those around him. If used in a crowded area he may become overwhelmed and pass out from the strain of receiving too many voices.

Tattoos on his knuckles and wrists allow him to bend these joints in any conceivable direction, usefull for wielding weapons and climbing etc. This ability also causes pain in these joints at all movement (including ones when he is not overextending)

Personality: Although he takes a bit of getting used to, he is a relentless optimist and makes jokes at every oppurtunity. His past has made an impression on him though, when he looks back he can become bitter and melancholy and he has fierce temper if he gets roused.

Bio: Born into a society based heavily around rituals, tradition and suchlike, Thrace soon bored of the strictly scheduled lifestyle.He still bears marks of some of the early trials and rituals. When he was 1yr and 7months he underwent the tattooing ceremony, the one thing he is thankful to his tribe for. At the age of seven all young men were required to fight with specially bred dogs, these are large and vicious creatures and although Thrace overcame his challenger he was rewarded with a damaged foot. Afterward he took the dog's toth and wears it to this day. For much of his life he was accepted by everyone and never knew the meaning of dislike until he was 12 and decided that he would attempt to hone his craft of summoning small knives (as his arm tattoo then allowed him to) unfortunatley he killed a fellow student and maimed one of the tribe elders, as soon as he was judged capable of looking after himself he was cast out. Since then he has fended for himself (read as: avoided trouble and skulked around in bars) before coming to investigate the legend of Magus which had filtered through his culture much slower than the rest of the world.

"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands

Last edited by Marik on Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:54 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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Location: in your wardrobe
Name: Ria (ree a)

Gender: Female

Race: catkin

Description:Ria very long brown hair with tints of ginger and blonde and this is usually put into loose pigtails with two gold bangles at the top and bottom of each pigtail. She has similar gold bangles hanging on both her ankles and wrists and are to small to be taken of as they will not go over her hands and feet. She has leather pants going down to her knees and a leather top which is tied together in a corset manner but loosely and at the front instead of back. Her hands and feet are feline like and wopuld be better being called paws though on her hands she has fice fingers thuogh they are paw like instead of three like of her feet. She also has a pair of cat ears and a long cat tail which nea rthe end also has a gold bangle. all of her body is covered in ginger/brown fur. Her teeth are extremely sharp and she has retrctable claws on her hands a feet.

History: She has none, she lives for herself and steals what she needs when she needs it. The bangles suggest she once belonged to soemone with alot of money thuogh she has a feeling they are magic but has no idea what they do. Everything she wears has been stolen.

Weapons:a crossbow and and a sword but she bearly knows how to use it. Her claws and teeth.

Personality: she is playful and sneaky and though loves company can sometimes feel crowded and has the feeling to be alone. She acts very childish at times and loves an adventure. Loves high places

Other: has amazing balence and is extreemely acrobatic.

go on press the link you know you wanna

Last edited by Akira on Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:27 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Okay the ones accepted, with conditions:

Makla-Rashazariusmarcidius Allishiminito Barricunitaltheaou//Okay, I don't see anything wrong per se, but by 'manipulative magic,' you mean what exactly?

Heavyman-Vaknur//You are very good at descriptions and visualization, but your bio is a bit vague, be sure to delve a bit into it when we start.

Marik-Thrace Goldback//Good, good, I like the history, cast out for wanting change. But there needs to be more of a limit on your ink-given abilities, even if it is nothing more than a pain were the tattoos are or an exhaustion as it takes energy from you to use.

Akira-Ria//You kinda need a history to develop your character, but it could and will need to be revealed as we go on.

Sorry I'm so picky, but I'm just trying to make sure we're all on the same level and make for a better story and a more fun time.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

Last edited by Jishdefish on Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:25 pm 
Silver sorceress
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I want to join...for the beginning i may jump in and out, but i'll try to stay as constant as i can.

Name: Annabeth
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Age: well since she's an elf 57, which basically means 25-30' ish


She has waist long black hair with the tips seemingly dipped into silver that she french braids, starting from two braids and once it reaches her neck it turns into one braid. It give the effect that she has horns running down the sides of her head.

She is about 5'9'' with a reedy frame. She seems to be more legs than anything else, even though her arms are also long. She wears men's cloths, but does not hide the fact that she is a woman.

She has shining blues eyes that seem to lock onto anyone and see through almost anything. She has the promonent elfin ears, and has a row of earings on her left ear while her right ear is empty.


She was raised in a large elfin city, but never really had any contact with other races until she was in her 20's (round 12'ish). SHe never accepted the belief that men were superior to woman, so she held herself high, which caused her to get into problems throughout her life. She usually strikes back at sexist comments with comments about the accuser's attitudes, or anything else she thinks of to tick them off more.

Once when she went into a large prominently human city she ran into some one who seemed to be a witch, though she was more mad than mystical. The woman had enough sanity to feel a power in Annabeth that most elves wouldnt sense (most elves claim that the woman was too drunk to know power from ignorance) Because of how the woman discribed the power, Annabeth tried to hide her power, because it frightened her. SHe eventually began to accept it, but in order to control it she uses magic locks( the earrings on her left ear).

Weapons: She has a short dagger that she is very skilled at using. she keeps it hidden in her boot.

Power: SHe can link her mind to the earth's. Though she doesnt fully understand it, she is able to make small things happen (slight drizzles of rain, trees and plants to move, animals to hear her)

Because of her power she befriended a small creature that looks like a gryphon, but is missing many features that would distinguish it as one. Annabeth has come to believe that it may be a mage's experiment on creating creatures, or else some type of mutated beast.

Familair: "Thyme" (her small friend that was described above)

If you were to juggle a lion, and a house cat, the end result would look something like a tattered chunk of red fabric. The cat would scratch anything within reach, and the lion would just eat you. The lesson to learn? Make sure you eat your spinach.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:48 pm 
The Broken One
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k, i just changed the character completely. i decided that Antony just wasn't the right guy for this rp.
oh, and just a few things for those who aren't quite sure on a few things.
Advanians are white haired, tall, elegant people in the far north where it snows all the time but their town is located on a caldera (like yellowstone park) so its usually green despite the cold.
Wolf-Mages are members of a hidden Order that, basically, is made up of werewolves with sorcerer capabilities.
(I hope you know this one, but just in case...) Necromancers are those who listen/speak to or watch/interact with the dead. Their magic pertains to this area. They can use the dead to their own ends.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:18 pm 
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Name: Dyombem Grangon
Race: Human
Class: Battle Mage
Age: 43
Weight: 253 pounds
height: 6 foot 4 inches
History: (much like merlin) not much is known of his younger years. He trained at a small temple on a small island in the west. He learned various batlle techniques and various spells. Though he only uses 1 now.
Appearance: Jet Black hair and eyes, has powerful arms from training with huge sword.
Spells: Pain Transfer -- a unique technique that allows the user to transfer the pain he feels to another, problem is he needs to touch said opponent. The pain he inflicts feels like a billion needles pricking you from the inside out. This pain cannot kill, only knock a person out. If contact with victem is broken effect dissipates instantly.
Weapon: Broad sword (like Cloud Strife's Buster Sword)

Let us bring a new Golden Age to Dragnix.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:36 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Okay Makla, I updated the above post, check on it.

wut2say-Annabeth//Good, good, Another race to add to the list, I guess elves will be in the east of Draigar.

Dragon444-Dyombem Grangon//Right, west is islands then, that makes plenty of space to put any other races that anyone else wants. As for your character, I think having only one spell is limit enough, though just as everyone else your character will need to develop and change as the story progresses.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:12 pm 
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O.K. Jish. I'll let my char advance with the story and I only planeed for him to have that one spell.

Let us bring a new Golden Age to Dragnix.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:25 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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im gonna let her history come out as she goes along jish as im still developing her history and she is unsure of it to

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:21 pm 
well, i guess the better term for it would be illusion magic. He make things seem as they aren't. mind tricks, stuff like that.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:32 pm 
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Ok added limitations. If the tattos are removed, forcibly or otherwise the powers will be lost as well.

That better?

"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:13 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Marik-Thrace Goldback//Accepted (though I guess your limit didn't have to be so permanent.)
Dragon444-Dyombem Grangon//Accepted.

Okay, now that the Characters are settled, (please note: feel free anyone to criticize my own character,) I believe this Role-Player will begin Thursday (tomorrow,) unless something falls out of the big blue sky and puts me or my computer in the hospital of course. :roll:

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:41 pm 
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It has begun, feel free to post!

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:13 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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I'm busy lately, so I won't be able to post in the rp yet.

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:42 pm 
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hey is it too late for newcomers? i was reading the RP. are you going to be making a stop anywhere soon? at some port or something? thats when i'd be able to jump aboard. well if its too late, oh well, but if not, i have a person in mind to play.

help me please?! please help me?!?!

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:41 pm 
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I'd like to join too, if possible.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:10 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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jishdefish???? do you get on here anymore? are you taking any new characters anymore for your RP?

help me please?! please help me?!?!

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 Post subject: Re: Magus's Plague: The Fallen Kingdom of Draigar
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:03 pm 

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Race-Arch Elf (Elvanhan)
Name- Shadar Dagoth
A war wizard of incredible power, he wears armor made from black leather and inscribed with various Elvanen magical symbols, and a cloak made from the feathers of ravens. Black of hair, with its length in a ponytail affixed with a clasp, with thin bangs dropping into his eyes, he is a handsome arch elf standing at 6'4". In his youth, born as Anu'vinas (the Purveyor), he lusted for magical and political power. His ambition and status enabled him to get it. He was named Lord Ruler of the Elvanhan, but he was not satisfied. He began a war with the nearby humans that lasted two thousand years. In the later days of that war, he began to search for new ways for the immortal arch elves to gain supremacy. He employed the dark arts of necromancy and rose to become THE Demon Lord of Hell, by eliminating the rest, and brought an infernal army to the fore. Humans everywhere shuddered at the name of the Dark Lord, such was his moniker. But his powers failed when his love, the beautiful Saranna, refused to look at him. So mad with power he had become that his eyes became balls of red flame, the skin around them cracked, and the black smoke of dark power rose from his now-pallid, once-tanned skin. Then his armies were defeated, corrupted from continued exposure to his dark power, and the Elvanhan culture fell into ruin. Faced with all he had done, haunted by the souls of those whose death he had caused, he took the name "Shadar Dagoth", literally meaning "the Damned Shadow," and took to the road. He befriended his companion, the immortal raven, Kurrew, a hundred years later. He travelled the world for a thousand years, seeking peace and atonement for his dark past. He would go into a village and heal the sick, or join with an army to stop the schemes of his arch-nemesis, his former lieutenant, the Dark Lord Morgan, the Demon Lord Baelor, whose sword absorbed men's souls, and whose soul was bound to the Infernal sword itself. He is often seen as a stranger with a strange cloak of raven feathers, and has been called "Kingmaker," for restoring heirs to their usurped thrones, or "Kingbreaker," for bringing down oppressive empires ruled by mad kings. He forged the sword Estarriol, meaning "Flame of Hope," to counter Morgan's sword, Murandil, Blade of Darkness. He wields it as his focus as well as a conduit for his legendary skills as a swordsman, and will until he finds the sword's true owner, whose face he has seen in his dreams, to put right what he made wrong. He is a genius, carefully spoken, and yet with a dark rage at those who persecute the innocent and senselessly murder, as he once did. His eyes, which become red fire when he is enraged, are now a piercing white, and his skin has since lost its pallor, and his power has only grown. He has reason to suspect that it was Morgan's blade Magus carried, and Morgan's soul who drove Magus into madness, and now finds himself upon a great black steed whose eyes blaze red, the immortal fae-horse Kraaza'baen, looking over the ruins of the old kingdom, now certain that it was Morgan's doing. He is resolved to keep the sword safe until Estarriol finds its owner to destroy Baelor for all time, and to pass judgement upon Shadar Dagoth's tortured soul.

By the blood of my enemies, I swear vengeance!

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 Post subject: Re: Magus's Plague: The Fallen Kingdom of Draigar
PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:03 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:39 pm
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Hi Amaran. Welcome to Dragnix forums. I would advice you to always look at post dates before posting replies to anything. And threads past page one on the index is more or less an archive of old. Such as this thread that ended 5 years ago.

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