
A couple of questions (signature and sharing website)
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Author:  Marik [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  A couple of questions (signature and sharing website)

I have two questions

1) a) Am I allowed to advertise my site on my signature? (if yes ignore b))

b) If no could you create a seperate forum for sharing websites and so on?

2) A while ago I started an RP that got off the ground but (mostly through my own fault) disintergrated, so could I redo it with a couple of modifications or would this count as duplicating a thread? If so I'll think up a new one...


Author:  Chalgrish [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

In a word, no
In another word, nein.

Author:  Crimsan [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I actually would like this guys points to be accepted.
On my forum I have a forum forother sites. Not just our own.
(I called it Foreign lands) :P
I think we should makybe have that

Author:  Marik [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

is that no for the other sites or the RP thing?

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Knowing Chalgrish, it's both.

*Threatens Chalgrish with Jish's sign-weilding army from hell!!!*

Author:  Crimsan [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Marik wrote:
is that no for the other sites or the RP thing?

Everything I guess

Author:  Chalgrish [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

The 'no outside sites' rule has been around since before I was here....

Author:  Tempest [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

As I have stated in another message:

Myself (Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006) wrote:
The rule dealing with advertisement is normally covered by a blend of rules #7 and #10 mixed together. However, since this rule is not explained very well in the guidelines, I will clarify the situation:

Posting a link to an external resource to clarify or provide more information on a subject discussed here is (almost) always acceptable (assuming you use the website to support your point and you are not just throwing links around).

Also, sharing your website, webcomic, blog or arts gallery with other forum denizens is something reserved for people who become part of the community, as the Dragnix forum is not an outlet for free advertising. For example, if a long time member says that s/he has created a website and put a link asking other forum members to take a look at it, it's not exactly the same thing if it's an anonymous user or a user with less than 5 posts doing it.

However, repeated adverts for pages featuring little and/or scrappy content, will not be tolerated, and I do not accept plugs for other message boards, especially freshly set up one.

This board is part of the Internet and it would be difficult to pretend that there is nothing beyond dragnix.net. And as a rule of thumb, sharing websites with good content make this board look good; however, sharing websites filled with 'under construction' or questionable content makes this board look bad.

So to clarify the answer to Marik's question:
:arrow: 1) This is one of those answers that fall into a shade of grey. Signatures sometime contain external links, it may be appropriate for boards without "www" tag but since phpBB will display a link to your site below every of your post, having an additional link into your signature is redundant.

Then why this fall into a grey area if the answer hints at a plain "no". Because, there are legitimate uses of external links in a signature. If done properly and if the signature somewhat discreet, most people will find this acceptable. In doubt, put your site in your profile.

:arrow: 2) This falls into the RP Section guideline. No rule is preventing you from occasionally restarting an old quest, it just asks to not develop a habit of doing this.

However, you are encouraged to think twice about posting the same story as experience tell me that your quest has good chances to share the same fate of the former. It is okay for people who have developed their own RP world to use it more than once but the quests should be different. All this to say that you can restart your story, but if your thread is only a shadow of its former self and doesn't live on it own, then you should drop the matter and come with something new.

@Crimsan: I have nothing against people wanting to share their sites but an entire forum dedicated to this would attract unwanted elements so it is preferable to create a thread in the general forum about this. However, if you do create such thread, make sure there is something to discuss (by requiring participants to describe their site, when and why they created it, etc...) as this helps to create a discussion instead of having people who just dump their link around.

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