
A Time of Darkness....
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Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  A Time of Darkness....

OOC: In case it isn't blantly obvious you are the reconosence team, you are to find out what exactly is taking place before real military action is deployed.

IC: The plain sped over the icy waters, broken every-so-often by glaciers. In the cockpit, Rijhada and the pilot sat in silence. The pilot she knew though it had been a while since they had seen each other. It was he whom spoke first. "The captain still badgering you with these goose chases, huh?"

"Yes, apparently so. Although your position doesn't seem too good either since you still fly the low class missions, Ryak."

He put the plane on auto and placed his hands behind his head in mock displesure. "Ah, so you noticed. Anyway the captain asked me to give you the list of our rookies--at least to this military." He handed her a stack of paper on a clipboard.

"Huph, its glad to see he still cares." She said sarcasticly. She skimmed through the list. "Not too bad, a few with only a little experience, but this should be interesting."

"Well you had better meet the crew while we are in international airspace, you won't be able to talk with this bucket heaving to and foe."

"Well thanks, but I know my job." She unbuckled and left the cramped compartment, wacking him with her tail as she left. "Okay, so I take it you have all been briefed in this mission?" When everyone had grumbled a reply she started roll call. "Jeff Mcarthy?"

Author:  John [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:54 am ]
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Jeff looked up, then tilted his helmet. "Here ma'am, and ready." His bright blue eyes twinkled at a private joke, and his mouth seemed to be fighting not to join in. He quickly shifted his gaze, and began double-checking his medic bag. Again.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:23 pm ]
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ma'am She rolled her eyes. "Please Mcarthy, it's Rijhada. Now...." She glanced at the list. "Grayson Baur, Leos Kline."

Author:  John [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:28 pm ]
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Jeff grinned at the refusal of the title, then stopped when he heard 'Leos Kline'. What was Leos doing here?

Author:  Kojack [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:34 pm ]
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Leos said while he was cleaning his sniper rifle.

Author:  Dragon444 [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:21 pm ]
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Ryel was gliding nearby the plane he found flying over the ocean. He flew closer and landed on top of the metal hull, digging into the machine with his claws, all the while being careful not to damage any of the main parts to the plane.

He slid on his Com-link and proceded to listen to their conversation.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:24 pm ]
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OOC: Spying? Eh?

IC: "Grayson!?"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:45 pm ]
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OOC: Fine I will stick him in later if he wishes to rejoin. Don't worry we are going to start soon.

IC: She marked out his name. "Okay, Ryel Jaquez." (Sorry for the Spelling)

Author:  Dragon444 [ Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:47 am ]
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"Here." You here him say, with a lot of wind interferance.

Author:  Taluscion [ Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:31 am ]
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OOC: I had a plan Jish...

Gray walked into the light, the shine of the knife he was toying with glinted off the ceiling. He gave Rijhada a cold look that lasted for a few seconds, then he sighed.

"Look, I don't talk much, so listen good, I'm on this mission because you need my expertise. I am not a 'team player'. So if I choose not to reply to your silly elementary school roll-call I won't. I'll just do my job and get my money."

With that, he sat down in the chair farthest from everyone else.

Author:  John [ Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:55 pm ]
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Jadrian snickered at the knife-holding Gray, then continued sterilizing bandages, and checking his peroxide. Once he fginished, he looked at Gray.

"These bandages are meant for wounds, not missing fingers, so dont come to me when that knife snicks off your finger."

Author:  Kojack [ Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:38 pm ]
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Leos looked at the new member... paused... then continued cleaning his rifle. Leos himself wasn't much of a team player, that is mainly why he is a sniper.
I need more acid.

He said while he was looking at his gun cleaning supplies.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:51 pm ]
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"Well, excuse me for doing my job! AND I won't think twice when I find out that you were left in that dump, and NOT hiding in the back of the plane like some juvinile kid with his toy knife!!" At that moment the plane started to shake and the windows darkened.

A voice sounded over the intercom: "Okay folks, we're going to be entering US airspace, we have a false identification, but I can't guarantee we won't be blown out of the sky. (He Chuckled) Anyway the seatbelt lights are on."

She smiled to herself. Such a joker. "You heard him, strap yourselves in. Also please take care not to peek out the window unless you want a third eye or a brain tumor."

Author:  Taluscion [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:14 am ]
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Lovely, absolutley lovely... Gray thought to himself. Once again, I am stuck with these righteous know-it-alls.

As much as he hated taking orders, he sat down and strapped himself in firmly against the seat. He placed his dirk back inside the wrist sheath.

'Toy knife' hmm? "Might lose a finger' Feh...they'll soon see why I was assigned to this mission, and why this one is going to turn out more dangerous than they'd like to believe...

Author:  Dragon444 [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:48 pm ]
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"O.k. I heard about the false identity and all, but what am I going to do if they decide to give us an escort?" Ryel questioned as he banged on the roof and started climbing to the door.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:30 pm ]
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"That won't be a problem, we are supposedly carrying sick and wounded--or uranium for the war effort--depending on who we run into." The plane began to shudder and shake more violently.

The Com sounded: "Turbulence, nothing to worry about."

Author:  Kojack [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:20 am ]
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Leos smiled

I know what the hell turbulence feels like... Being in the US is no problem for me. I am a Colonel in the US Air Force.

Leos said as he sat back in his seat.

"Buddy girl (Rijhada) and buddy boy with the knife (Gray) are already off to a great relationship", he thought. Just then he looked over and saw Jadrian.

HEY MEDIC! I haven't seen your band-aid-pushen, needle-obsessed, blood-loven, make-people-die self in a long time. Whatcha doin' here?

Author:  Dragon444 [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:12 am ]
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Ryel slid open the door as he climbed into the plain, "Hold on to any light weght objects you have, I'm coming in."

Author:  John [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:38 am ]
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Jad grinned.

"Ditto to you, you crazy-snipin, fun-luvin flyboy. Im here cause they needed a medic, and I was bored anyway. What are you doing here?"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:38 pm ]
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Suddenly the storm outside ceased and all was calm. "Huh, that's wierd. Rijhada unbuckled, hampered a bit by her claws, then went for the cockpit. The plane lurched suddenly to the right. She fell flat on her back, her head smack against the window pane. Her vision blured, but she saw something rush past the plane virticly, a blue flame at the tip, snapping off the tip of the left wing. She blinked, her vision changed from blurry to red. The blood stung her eyes. The plane lolled to the left, and spiralled down. She watched it all through a sub-conciouse vision of hell. The plane slowed and hit the ground, a bit hard but the plane stayed intact. Her limbs fell limp to her side and she let go of the support that she did not even remember taking hold of. She fell to the ground, a brief smile passed her face.......

Author:  Kojack [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:28 pm ]
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YEAH... that's what I'm talking about! G Forces! Oh... to answer your question mate, I'm here just for fun.

Leos said with a smirk.

Author:  Taluscion [ Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:51 pm ]
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Gray had latched on to a bit of the ceiling with claws of his own. As soon as the plane hit, it tore a whole through the roof, but he had landed with only a few scratches on the floor.

"What the hell was that?!" he exclaimed irritably.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:29 pm ]
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The cockpit door opened to reveal a very shaken Ryak. "Thank God we're o--Rijhada!" He bent over her and felt her pulse. "Steady but she took quite a hit..." Ryak looked over to the one with the bandages. "Why don't you put those to use!" He then opened the hatch and jumped out of the plane. He came back shortly and said sadly. "Looks like she's finally had it, we won't be able to fly out of here...."

Author:  John [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:45 pm ]
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Jad noticed for the first time the fallen woman. He turned her over, assesed her, then grabbed a pair of sissorcs, he cut off a section of her hair at the back, then whistrled.

"BAndages aren't going to do any good...Its out of my hands Im afraid."

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:21 pm ]
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"You could at least clean her up and stop the bleeding.... She really needs to see a doctor... I wonder if Houston's been evacuated yet. It's only a few miles."

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