
Arden: A Dying Sun; CH 1
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Author:  Jishdefish [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: Sorry Makla. I wish you didn't have those computer problems.

IC: Narage hurried to the scientist with the mouse tied around his neck(It was the third prisoner who was dead). "Well, we have a hostage at least." A glint appeared in her eye, and she pulled the empty streatcher towards the hallway. Then the werecat pulled some oxygen tanks from a nearby wall and attached them to the cart. And as a final touch she touched a diffibulator to them without flicking it on. "And a bomb." She added, content with herself.

Author:  Ersska [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:06 pm ]
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Aluillea noticed that the cat seemed to tense up when she was near. Aluillea's pupils narrowed slightly, but other than that she made no response. Cats had never interested her. She listened as the others tried to devise a plan. She was looking at Jaciynth, still trying to translate what he had said when Narage began to make a bomb.
"And how is that suppose to work?" she asked the werecat excitedly, turning her attention from Jaciynth.

Author:  Akira [ Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:11 pm ]
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decided to ignore Jaciynth snapping and instead walked over to the green haired man and stared at him. She could tell he had fairie blood in him and that he wasnt pure fairie. Kaosu looked around from the other fey to see narage had made a bomb ''wow you work fast dont you''she said impressed.
Watched narage finesh of her home made bomb while feeling her back for her wings and when she felt them she began straitening them out since they had become creased.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:23 pm ]
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Narage turned to the Werewolf. "Well quite simple actually, you just flip the on switch and pull the paddle triggers. Then get the hell out of there, as the oxygen is ignited by the electricity. There is always a short charging period before the shock is released, and as it is on this cart we could push it, but it wouldn't really get far enough..." She slowed down as she realized and voiced the flaw, and frowned at the problem.

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:01 am ]
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OOC: Jish, erm, I'm sorry for the interruption, but I would like to join now, when would you like me to come in?

Author:  Jishdefish [ Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:28 pm ]
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OOC: I kinda already PMed him so he can post whenever, but he hasn't been on since I sent it, but anyway lets continue, he can jump in any time...

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:30 am ]
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OOC: Alright, now is as good as ever.

Mychasi was having a horrible dream! And that doesn't happen very often. There were needles and tests and mice and all sorts of crap! Stupid feverish nightmares! Maybe if he counted to three shut his eyes and opened them.

\1...2...3...\ He opened his eyes.

There were several strange looking people around him. They were fiddling with some strange object and one was staring at him! AH! I'm on some weird bed!

\DAAAAHHHH!!!\ Mychasi let out a big yell and did a half-somersault, twist, flip off the thing onto the floor. Everyone looked at him.

\Uhhhhh....thank you....I'll be here all week...\ he grinned weakly.

Author:  Akira [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:21 pm ]
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Kaosu let out a little scream as the person yelled and flipped out of the thing he was in and landed on the floor
um are you ok she said looking at him maybe you should lie back down

Author:  Jishdefish [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:54 pm ]
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Narage was so surprized that she nearly flipped the switch on the make-shift bomb. She started to say something, but a gunshot overshadowed her and her arm felt as if a hot poker had been melted within it. She yowled with pain and got cover behind the wall. A guard shouted
"Hold your fire! Use only the tazers, the prisoners must be kept alive!"

"HERE THEY COME!" She shouted to the others, looking desperatly around for a weapon.

OOC: And now the party begins! XD

Author:  Ersska [ Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:27 pm ]
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OOC: Uh, Talus? You're the green-haired guy, right? Well, I kinda had you thrown over my shoulder. So, you just jumped off of me! XD

IC: Aluillea started as the green-haired one sprang off of her.
"Nice to see you're feeling better. . ." she said with wide-eyed shock. Just then, a gunshot rang out, and Narage screamed. Aluillea grunted, grabbed the green-haired man, and flung him behind the nearest cover.
"Get down!" she practically growled at him. She dived over the where the werecat was.
"You okay?" she asked.

Author:  Akira [ Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:34 pm ]
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Kaosu looked around as the gun shot went of and looked over at narage and Aluillea ''oh great'' she said sarcastically.
Running up to were narage and Aluillea were she waited for the guards to attack ready to attack back. ''well lets get this done and over with'' she said seemingly very calm.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:29 pm ]
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Spying some dissection knives and tools she took a handful and threw them one at a time, praying they hit their mark. Her arm was bleeding proffusly and this group was unprepared for a drawn-out battle. Scanning the room she spied what she was looking for. Narage slipped out of her hiding spot and read the runes for emergency escape.

Author:  Taluscion [ Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:38 am ]
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OOC: Yeh, Mychasi had green hair and orange eyes.

Mychasi flung himself to the side of the wall as a hail of strange beams lanced past his face. He definitly wasn't in Kansas any more.

\Yeah! I'm fine now.\ he said happily. \I just wish I had my weapons back...ah well, nice to meet you all anyhow!\

His movements were fluid grace throughout the room. It was as if his limbs worked perfectly with the air around him and the wind made allowances for his form. The taser beams arced around him as he reached out and grabbed a scalpel and a bonesaw from out of a wall. He looked back at the person who threw them.

\Not a very good aim huh? Ah well, I'll do some good,...by the way, my name is Mychasi Songbreeeze.\ he danced back towards the group, it was a bit awkward to be introducing himself now at this time....but...hey its what he does.

Author:  Makla [ Mon Oct 16, 2006 5:41 pm ]
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OOC: *sigh* i didn't want to do this but...
i give permission for Talus to use Jaciynth and Av gives Ersska permission to use Tarya. i don't have enough time to actually write i reply so... tah, until my computer is fixed...

Author:  Jishdefish [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:31 pm ]
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OOC: Do they comply? If so than alright.

Author:  Akira [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:38 pm ]
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OOC: its a real shame about your computer makla

IC:looks at the green haired person and laughs then notices narage and notices her arm and stops laughing ''you want any help there'' she said pushing any worry to the back of her mind so she could remain calm.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:10 am ]
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"I think you had better worry about them!" She said, deflecting a charge shot with a stainless steel tray. Narage read the Gilarian Runes quickly. Pulling out her knife she cut the thumb off of a dead scientist and stuck it on the scanner. A holographic map of the facility appeared and zoomed in on the room. She scanned it and found the way out, which appeared on the southern wall. It was marked with a symbol, but she couldn't remember what it meant. Narage looked desperatly along the southern wall, but there was no sign of a door or window. What the Hell!?

Author:  Taluscion [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:21 am ]
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OOC: I don't mind. Not sure exactly what he says, but I'll do my best. Cuz tharz the magic of "edit."

"Da heck?!" Mychasi snapped as a door appeared right behind him. The others were scanning the area behind him where the door was. He looked confusingly toward them and the door.

"Erm...aren't we gonna go?...guys?" he said a little worriedly.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:41 pm ]
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OOC: Not what I had in mind, but that works great!

IC: Slapping herself on the forehead in confusion, Narage pulled a the knife out of anouther of the scientists and threw it at the bomb switch, BULL'S EYE! "Hows my aim now?" She said to Mycashi, winking. She walked up to the door and grabbed at the handle, only to have it materialize as she got close. She stepped back and turned to Mycashi, "Maybe you should open it, what with the enchantment in your veins." A high pitched whir sounded, marking the few seconds they had before the big boom.

Author:  Akira [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:40 am ]
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Kaosu listened to the noise warning them that the bomb was about to go of and walked up to Mychasi '' please hurry i would prefer not to have myself blown to bits by a bomb'' she was begginning to get rather worried now everything was getting wierd and confusing with doors appearing out of nowere and everything else to be honest.

Author:  Taluscion [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:43 am ]
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OOC: Of course, let the random madness begin!!^^

Putting the bonesaw and scalpel in his belt, he stepped forward in between the others and the "invisible" door. Snagging the handle with his hand, he slowly pressed it inward. It didn't move. So, he tried again. Still nothing. He stood back and looked at it.

"Kim ohn, open et ahlready! Bohmb!" Jaciynth snapped.

"I'm trying!" Mychasi retorted irritatedly.

This time he pulled. It opened. He shrugged sheepishly and started to step through the opening.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:01 pm ]
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Narage followed, only to scream as the floor gave way as she stepped through. Her cry was quickly silenced by a cascade of water they were plunged into. She sputtered and meowed between breaths and desperatly looked around as the others jumped in after. They were in a large sewer-like pipe, that was flowing rapidly. She guessed from the smell and the floating body-bags around her that this was how they disposed of the corpses of the dead. Panicking she dug her claws into several of them, making a sickening raft of decay and death. Calling out to the others she held the boat togeather with her claws. "ALL ABOARD THE DISMEMBERMENT EXPRESS!"

OOC: Not completly random, magic isn't always random, it has a purpose... Not always clear, but not random. :roll:

Author:  Akira [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:16 pm ]
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Walks through not even thinking about why narage had screamed she was just relieved she wasnt going to get blown to bits but wasnt to pleased when she fell into the water ''ewwwww'' was all she could say as she shudders and swims over to the raft and clings on gasping for breath
''well this is great isnt it, going who knows were on a raft made out of bodies'' shivers and looks over at narage then at the body bags '' well i guess its better than ending up like these lot''

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:32 pm ]
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"Got that right." She said, keeping the bodies huddled togeather despite the current. "'you mind helping?"

Author:  Akira [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:52 pm ]
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''oh yeah sure sorry''
helps narage keep the makeshift raft together ''you are really good at improvising arnt you'' she said smiling

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