
Eternal Twilight
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Author:  wut2say [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

MAriah watched as Jason carried Tobias into a building, "Crud, i guess i should help him. he helped me." She worked her way around the building until she found a window. looking in she saw Jason standing infront of Tobias. "Poor guy, being stuck with him musst be worse than dying in some ways." Mariah tried to open the window a little, she got it open enough to hear any conversations inside. she crouched down so she wouldnt be seen and listened, waiting to find some way to help Tobias.

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:42 am ]
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OCC: Marik, Jason has no qualms about working with mutants. He is after the vampires- werewolves are no concern of his. The house is nearby- if you attack Mariah, Jason will come to aid you quickly.

IC: Jason glanced up. A noise at the window? He relaxed. Probably just his imagination. Still... He settled into a chair facing Tobias, his gun in hand. As Tobias opened his eyes, Jason asked quietly, "Why did you attack me?"

Author:  Corva [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:50 pm ]
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You were attacking werewolves and vampires. I couldn't allow that. Tobias tried to move and found that he was bound. Why have you bound me? he asked.

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:45 pm ]
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Jason was about to swear at the guy, but held his tongue. "I have no inclination to fight werewolves. My war is with the vampires. Yet you are the second one to attack me to-" Jason suddenly grasped at his neck. The crucifix that hung there had begun to heat up- there was a vampire nearby. He picked up his pistol and a stake. "You wait here." He vaulted out the window, and nearly landed on the vampire he'd met earlier.
In seconds she was on the ground, her arms twisted behind her. Jason hissed in her ear, "What's to stop me from killing you?" Victory was certain for him because of her crippled state. "Your friend Tobias is tied up, the other werewolf fled. Surrender or I will send you to the gates of hell."

Author:  Marik [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:05 pm ]
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Desi looked out the window and saw the man he had seen earlier sitting on a vampire's back. Desi vaulted the window ledge, gripping it and hanging before dropping to the ground. His pole clattered to the floor beside him. Before anyone could move he had retreived the bar and had it readied in front of him. Who are you? He growled at the pair.

OOC: Sorry about any mistakes, I'm really tired. Oh yeah and Falcon Desi is not a werewolf, just mutated to the extent that his bones have hardened to the point that he can punch through metal and do only minor damage to himself. And he has wierd bony knobs all over his back...but more on them later

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:19 am ]
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Jason brought his gun up. "I am the vampire slayer Jason McAndrews. And you?" He kept his knife at the vampire's throat.

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:20 am ]
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Author:  Corva [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:08 pm ]
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With the distraction Tobias got his hand out. He quickly untied the ropes. What is it with you and killing vampires? he asked the slayer.

Author:  Marik [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:59 pm ]
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I am Desi Desi lowered his bar slightly before tapping the barrel of Jason's gun toward the floor. He nodded to the recently untied figure on the floor. Personally I have no quarrel with werewolves and this guy's business is not mine Desi paused However vampires have been a menace for a while so anyone who is against them is a friend

Author:  Dragon444 [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: Falconer, I did not flee, I only disapeared into the shadows for a while.

IC: Seeing the Hunter take his half-breed bretherin to a nearby house, Minx slowly, stealthily followed. When he finally reached them he had found that the hunter was pinning the vampire to the ground, about to shoot a bony thing and the one he was truly after was trying to speek to the hunter. Minx reached behind him, grabbed a sword that was strapped to his back and stepped into the pale twilight. "Why did you strike my brethren and those I'm tied to through the Geneva Convention?!?!? ANSWER ME HUNTER, BEFORE YOU FIND YOURSELF WITH ALL THOSE YOU'VE KILLED!!"

Author:  Falconer [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:12 am ]
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Jason reacted swiftly. He struck the vampire between the eyes with the butt of his gun, rendering her unconscious, then retreated, his gun trained on Minx, his knife pointed at Tobias. "I fear no-one. You think you can kill me?" Jason's eyebrows met- without warning, a ball of air coelesced, throwing Minx to the ground. Jason fired, the bullet pinging off the ground inches away from Minx's head. "This is a warning- do not meddle in the affairs of one of the Trust, for we are a greater force to be reckoned with then anyone knows. You, Tobias, on the ground!" He motioned with his gun.

Author:  wut2say [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: oww....you are really violent. i hardly have time to get on now a days, think you guys could tone it down until winter vacation. then i can actually defend myself better( and maybe not get killed).

IC: Mariah shook her head trying to clear the stars from her eyes. she figures she had been out for a few minutes. when she looked up she saw Jason forcing Tobias to the ground. slowly rising to her feet so she didnt draw attention to herself, Mariah crept around so she was directly behind Jason, but still in the view of Tobias. Pulling out a piece of string from a pocket, she made a loop in it, "WHen i count to three jump at him." she lipped to Tobias. hoping he had understood her she ran forward and threw her string, looping it around the end of Jason's gun. tugging as she ran she pulled the gun to the side and dove down so that she wouldnt be hit if the gun went off as it spun.

Author:  Corva [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:02 am ]
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Tobias saw the vampire mouth something. He didn't get the words but he understood the meaning. When the vampire tugged the gun away he jumped Jason.

Author:  wut2say [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:58 am ]
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MAriah got up from her duck and grabbed the gun away from Jason while Tobias distracted him. Pointing the gun at Jason she smiled, "Gotcha!" She placed her finger on the trigger, "I would perfer to drink from you, but you've been a bit of a hassle, so maybe once your dead. Any last words?"

Author:  Marik [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:16 pm ]
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Desi raised his bar and brought it crashing down on the gun. As you say, any last words? He had the bar hovering inches above the vampire. With his free hand he tried to help Jason to his feet.

Author:  wut2say [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:35 pm ]
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OOC: where did you come from? i know you were here, but i guess i forgot about you. man i need to pay attention

Mariah hissed between her teeth and darted out of the way of Desi's bar. She looked over to Jason as he was getting up. "What is your problem? YOu seem to be more crazed than those you claim to hunt." She glanced over at Tobias, hoping he would give some hint of what to do next.

OOC: Psst, DragonRider. HI

Author:  Corva [ Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:04 am ]
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Tobias got to his feet. He jumped ythe mutant and sunk his teeth into him. The mutant screamed. Bite him he shouted to Mariah.

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:32 am ]
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Jason stood, then suddenly whipped forward at blinding speed, snap kicking the vampire in the chest, then whirling around to karate chop tobias on the back of his neck, with enough force to send his crashing to the ground. Jason rolled forward, snatching up the gun. "So long, and thanks for all the fish," he said, seconds before he fired, sending two hollow point bullets through the vampire's heart. "Desi! Get the werewolf!"

Author:  Corva [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:31 am ]
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OOC: I don't think you are allowed to kill off another character.

IC: Tobias shouted to the werewolf Bite them now! He grabbed the bar out of the mutants hand. Tobias brought it crashing down on Jasons head and swung it round and knocked out the mutant

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:40 pm ]
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OCC: vampires cant be killed that way so Mariah is still alive, just badly crippled.


IC: Jason fell to his knees, gasping as stars danced in front of his eyes. The glancing blow caused him to stagger as he stood shakily, his unconscious mind forcing his unsteady hand to automatically reload his gun. "Desi, watch out," he murmurred. Jason steadied himself, then raised the gun and fired, shattering the iron bar with uncanny aim. In less than a milisecond, the automatic was reloaded and trained on Tobias.
OCC: This thing where everyone attacks me is starting to get old. And tobias, you just survived a grenade attack and having the living daylights beaten out of you. There is no way you can expect your swing to seriously knock someone out. You may be athletic, but not that much.

Author:  Dragon444 [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:14 pm ]
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Minx Jumped onto Desi and put the sword blade to his throat. "Leave them alone," he said as he pulled a pistol from his trenchcoat, pointing it at Jason. "DON'T ATTACK THEM AGAIN!"

Author:  Corva [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:15 pm ]
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OOC: You can't kill me. My character can shift out of the way of that bullet. I heal quickly, to. Think Wolverine.

IC: Tobias looked at the gun and laughed. This person actually thought he could kill him. He shifted behind him and took the gun out of his hand. He pointed it at Jason. One move and your friend gets it he said to the mutant.

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:06 pm ]
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OCC: Oh, we're bringing majic into this, eh? Couldn't beat me without it?

IC: Jason focused, his heart racing. THe last time he tried this spell he mispoke and it almost killed him. "Thry sekka un lastro et hornya!"
Instantly, time stopped. He looked around, at a bird suspended in midair, Tobias holding his gun. Moving fast, Jason pried the gun out of his hand, grabbed Desi and moved them twenty feet away. He then pulled some hammers from the house and positioned them over the heads of Tobias, the vampire, and the werewolf. He ended by taking Minx's sword and tossing it into the shrubbery. Stepping back, he said, "Et horna sacasta!" Time instantly restarted as Jason raised his gun and fired, puncturing the house's gas line. He fired again, creating a spark.
The explosion threw everyone to the ground, but Desi and Jason escaped harm. The other's weren't so lucky.

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:04 am ]
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OCC: At this point Jason leaves on a quest to find the Spear of Destiny, the only thing that can put an end to the vampires forever. See the topic "Bye you guys" in the GENERAL section for an explanation.

Author:  Corva [ Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: Not so fast Falconer. And I got the idea of double freeze off Molly Moon Stops the World.

IC: Tobias saw the slayer freeze time. When Jason pried the gun out of his hand he didn't move. After the slayer fired at the gas line he reversed time, did a double freeze and froze time again. The slayer didn't escape this time. He picked him and the mutant up and put them right where the explosion would happen. He then moved everyone else into safety and unfroze both freezes. The explosion went off behind them.

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