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Topic review - Forum revamped?
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  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
It would be a redundant and less flexible BBcode because you can use [ table={text1} ]{text2}[ /table ] and modify any attributes you want; cellpadding, cellspacing, border, bgcolor, you-name-it. [where {text1} is the width of the table followed by the attribute(s) you want to use].

[table=50% rules=ALL bgcolor=#96B8FA][tr][th]Line 1, cell 1[/th][th]Line 1, cell 2[/th][/tr][tr][td]Line 2, cell 1[/td][td]Line 2, cell 2[/td][/tr][tr][td]Line 3, cell 1[/td][td]Line 3, cell 2[/td][/tr][/table]

Will give this:
Line 1, cell 1Line 1, cell 2
Line 2, cell 1Line 2, cell 2
Line 3, cell 1Line 3, cell 2

Note that the attribute "border" (as well as some other attributes) doesn't work with this theme because table borders are done a bit differently (I may fix this eventually). So if you use border=1, then it will appear fine on every theme except this one (i.e. the borders will not be displayed). So it's preferable to use the attribute "rules" (ALL, COLS, ROWS) to display internal borders. It's not ideal, but it should be enough to improve the readability of your table.

Edit: attribute "rules" doesn't work with MIE v6 (ie the table above doesn't have internal borders)... for some reasons. Also creating a predefined BBcode with border=1 doesn't solve this problem. It's how the themes are designed; some attributes are "locked".
Post Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:10 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
Hmm..can you not make tableb tags? you know "Table with borders as illustrated here.
Post Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:34 am
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
Okay, I have created a TH tag; usage is exactly the same as TD.
Note that if you use this tag, your table's appearance will depend on the theme of the board.

Example (using th):

Example (using td-b):
Post Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:51 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
I wouldn't mind the Table header tags to be honest, they really help a table stand out.
Post Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 7:39 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
[th] is the problem as I haven't included it in the list of custom BBcode.

I could add it to the list; it's not a real problem. However, the tag <th> is merely a "<td><b>" so I would prefer to limit the amount of custom bbcode as it's probably easier for people who aren't very proficient in html to not be confused by tags performing a function that can be achieved by other (simple) means.

Edit: In your post above, the correct BBcode to create a table is [table] instead of [tableb].
Post Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:26 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
Seems great, Im quite skilled when it comes to BBcode tables.

This doesent work, why?
Post Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:57 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
Html is no longer supported but since tables are quite useful (like here and there), I have made them available in BBcode. The the syntax is a little different but I have tried to keep it as close as possible to html.

Available (custom) BBCodes and usage:
HTML: <div align=TEXT>text</div>
BBCode Equivalent: [align=TEXT]text[/align]
Usage: Align text left, right or center
Example: [align=center]text[/align], [align=left]text[/align], [align=right]text[/align]

HTML: <center>text</center>
BBCode Equivalent: [center]text[center]
Usage: Align text to the center
Example: [center]text[/center]

HTML: <embed src="URL" width="200" height="50">
BBCode Equivalent: [embed]URL[/embed]
Usage: Play music such as midi, MP3, wav. The size of the playbox is pre-defined.
Example: [embed]http://www.server.com/music.mp3[/embed]

HTML: <hr width="NUMBER%">
BBCode Equivalent: [hr]NUMBER[/hr]
Usage: Inserts a horizontal rule (line) into a post
Example: [hr]50[/hr] is equivalent to <hr width=50%>, [hr]75[/hr] is equivalent to <hr width=75%>

HTML: <div style="text-align: justify">text</div>
BBCode Equivalent: [justify]text[/justify]
Usage: Justified text
Example: [justify]text[/justify]

HTML: <span style="font-family: 'FONT-NAME', serif">text</span>
BBCode Equivalent: [font=FONT-NAME]text[/font]
Usage: Change font
Example: [font=courier new]text[/font]

HTML: <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">text</span> alternatively <strike>text</strike>
BBCode Equivalent: [strike]text[/strike]
Usage: Strike text
Example: [strike]text[/strike]

HTML: <span style="vertical-align: super;">text</span> alternatively <sup>text</sup>
BBCode Equivalent: [sup]text[/sup]
Usage: Superscript
Example: 2x10[sup]5[/sup]

HTML: <span style="vertical-align: sub;">text</span> alternatively <sub>text</sub>
BBCode Equivalent: [sub]text[/sub]
Usage: Subscript
Example: H[sub]2[/sub]O

HTML: <span style="background-color:COLOR">text</span> alternatively <font style="background-color: COLOR;">text</font>
BBCode Equivalent: [highlite=COLOR]text[/highlite]
Usage: Highlight text
Example: [highlite=Yellow]text[/highlite]

And to answer your question on how to use tables:
(Note: in html the table will appears fine even if you don't close all the tags but in BBcode, an unclosed tag will make the table to not appears at all):
HTML: <table> or <table width=NUMBER%> or <table width=NUMBER>
BBCode Equivalent: [table] or [table=NUMBER%] or [table=NUMBER]
Usage: Same as html, you need to close the tag. These are the only variants, you can't set the border at this moment. NUMBER is the width of the table either in percent or in pixels.

HTML: <tr>
BBCode Equivalent: [tr]
Usage: Same as html, you need to close the tag.

HTML: <td> or <td width=NUMBER> or <td width=NUMBER%>
BBCode Equivalent: [td] or [td=NUMBER]or [td=NUMBER%]
Usage: Same as html, you need to close the tag.  NUMBER is the width of the column either in percent or in pixels.

HTML: <table width="100%"><tr><td width="50%">column 1, line 1</td><td width="50%">column 2, line 1</td></tr><tr><td>column 1, line 2</td><td>column 2, line 2</td></tr></table>
BBcode: [table=100%][tr][td=50%]column 1, line 1[/td][td=50%]column 2, line 1[/td][/tr][tr][td]column 1, line 2[/td][td]column 2, line 2[/td][/tr][/table]
Post Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:30 pm
  Post subject:  Re: Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
You might have BBCode turned off... otherwise I'm not sure why not.

But if you dig far enough through the 'general' forum, you'll find a couple threads talking about the same thing. At least, they were when they started. Eh.
Post Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:42 pm
  Post subject:  Forum revamped?  Reply with quote
I haven't been here in quite some time, and I have noticed that the forum has "changed" a little, with a new skin and the addition of global mods. This is interesting, is Dragnix getting more activity like the old days? I hope so.

Also, why cant we add tables on here using BBcode? you know tableb, tr,td etc. etc.
Post Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:39 am

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